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Personal : Is that you ? #shooting

Foto van schrijver: VanOstaVanOsta

People on instagram usually see me post pictures of daily life as a make-up artist, a nail stylist, a wife and dog owner. But not a lot of my followers know I've been freelance modeling since I was 18. I'm not saying I've been on the runway in Milan, London or New York. I have however spent a lot of time in front of a camera for paid and unpaid shoots. It's not a career but it's nice to have a hobby.

When I was born I recieved a lot of gifts. However when it came to height I drew the shorter straw. I'm 1m65 which isn't bad at all but for modeling it is. I'm not the one throwing a pitty party for myself. I'm grateful for all the opportunities that have been given to me and I am happy I keep meeting new and creative people.

My first real shoot was with photographer Giel Domen. An amazing talent who's having an expose in Antwerp at the Jazzy Art Gallery. That one shot I recieved from that hairdresser shoot opened a lot of doors for me. I was surprised that people were interested in my face. I got contacted by another amazing photographer with who'm I worked with a couple of times since that one time, Els Van Opstal. She could capture who I was. I still love working with her. With those pictures I decided to take my chance and send it to some agencies. I knew my chances were slim but the girl inside of me that grew up watching AMNT wanted to know if it was possible. To my surprise I got in with Flagmodels. I worked harder because I lacked the right sizes. A pretty face can only get you so far. A great personality can get you even further.

The past few years I did a lot of shoots for fun and a couple paid. I love being in front of the camera. It gives me the opportunity to be anybody I want to be. Now since I've graduated two years ago I haven't been very active much. Lack of time and as I got older my body changed as well. I quit smoking and I'm trying to get back in shape but it's a difficult journey . Having a desk job isn't really helping. However I'm still grateful that at my age (which isn't super old, I know) I sometimes still get to do these things. It's all about networking and how you are towards people. I often got jobs because people remembered me from another collab or because they saw my face in someone elses portfolio.

I love the thrill of seeing new work. I know it might seem silly but looking at my work and seeing how I evolved throughout the year, I can honestly say I am happy with what I achieved. So if you're ever in doubt just take that leap. You'll never know what may come of it. By the way if you have questions about modeling, don't hesistate to ask !


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